Equality & Diversity Policy

NBC values equality & diversity and as an equal opportunities employer, we wish to encourage a diverse working society within our staffing arrangements.

We are committed to equality of opportunity in the provision of the services we provide and we aim to create the best possible quality of life for those we serve by delivering the highest quality service to all the diverse communities without discrimination.

We aim to pursue our Equal Opportunities, Race Relation and Equality & Diversity policies objectives in order to promote equality, celebrate equality & diversity and eliminate institutional discrimination.

  • As a service provider we aim to ensure that services are provided in a fair manner. We want our services to be accessible and useful to everyone regardless of age, disability, gender, gender identity, race, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, class, religion/faith group or any other factors which may cause disadvantage.
  • We will not tolerate any practices that result in the provision of a lower standard of service to any group, or individual, because of unfair or unlawful discrimination.
  • As an employer we will ensure that that all employees are recruited, trained and promoted on the basis of ability, the requirements of the job, and similar objective and relevant criteria. All employees will be encouraged to take advantage of facilities to better themselves at work.
  • No applicant for employment or employee will be treated less favourably than another on grounds of disabilities, gender, race, ethnic or national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, class, religion/faith group or age (except where there are legal limitations e.g. persons aged over 65 and under 18 in
    certain jobs).
  • We also aim to develop a working environment so far as reasonably practicable to offer opportunities to people with disabilities where the nature of works is safe to do so, and would not pose a danger to the individuals concerned.
  • NBC recognise the need for continuous training and assessment of staff in order to maintain the high standards required by our customer; to that end we have a Training and Development policy in place which will apply to all staff from all backgrounds.
  • NBC also recognise the importance of good communications and will ensure that its Equality & diversity policy is widely and effectively communicated to all staff, suppliers and customers should they request it.
  • NBC wish to be known as an Equal Opportunity Employer by the community as a whole, and shall continue to display this in our recruitment literature, and in our everyday duties.

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